The hemato-oncology clinic is responsible for the professional treatment of the following.

1) Evaluation and treatment for a variety of blood diseases
Perform the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic malignancies such as leukemia and malignant blood disorders such as anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, myeloproliferative disorders, lymphoma / multiple myeloma.

2) The best of the appropriate anti-cancer treatment and side effects management
The treatment of cancer consists of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy; the hemato-oncology clinic is responsible for professional chemotherapy for malignant tumors in various internal organs such as gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and pancreaticobiliary duct cancer, breast cancer, head and neck cancer and urinary cancer.

3) Management of active symptoms in cancer patients
The hemato-oncology clinic provides chemotherapy in addition to active medical care; for patients who cannot receive chemotherapy, the clinic helps to minimize pain and provides patient-centered care. Along with these treatments, Buddhism's zen/meditation and herbal therapy are also offered


Do-Yeon Kim : blood disorders (anemia, purpura, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, etc.) chemotherapy (head and neck, breast, lung, etc.), Hospice

Hyun-Jung Lee : blood disorders (myeloma, leukemia, anemia, etc.), chemotherapy (stomach, colon, hepatobiliary, urinary)